| Online Property Auctions FAQs - Selling
Why sell online?
Auctions are an efficient and transparent way to sell property. By selling online, sales move quicker, legal details can be ironed out at an early stage & buyers have confidence in the bidding process. You can also see what is happening with your property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How does Beagel Sold integrate with advertising?
When an instruction is received to sell, agents can log in & upload the details as they would with any other portal. They will be sent a custom address to use for all their other advertising media. This shortcut will allow buyers to go straight to the bidding page for that exact property. By doing so, you as the agent keep complete control of traffic and can thusly gauge advertising metrics.
I am an agent looking to use Beagel Sold
Super, just visit agent registration and we'll get straight back to you.
Can owners sell direct on Beagel Sold
Simply put, no. The site is exclusive to Licenced Agents. As the process involves the payment of deposit by buyers, all agents are PSRA registered and bonded to ensure security.
How flexible is the selling period?
The bidding period can be as long or as short as is desired. From 1 hour to 12 weeks. This customisable service ensures full market exposure in a timeline that suits your client.
What information does Beagel Sold need?
All matters relating to properties to be listed are dealt with by the agent. They're experts in that field.
What do I tell solicitors?
Once you decide to sell, you must instruct your solicitor to prepare the sales contract & copy title deeds which are uploaded for buyers to inspect.
Quality Assurance
All agents on Beagel Sold are PSRA Registered. They will also be members of the SCSI, RICS or IPAV.
How do I know who's won?
Subject to terms & conditions agents will receive an email confirming the final bidders details and their bid on the property. The details will also be displayed on the agents personalised dashboard.


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